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  9. |   BONUS PACK #1                                                             |
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  11. |     * FormGen II form design system with manual and              $49.00     |
  12. |       quick reference card                                                  |
  13. |     * FormGen II form preview module - lets you see your         $29.00     |
  14. |       forms on the screen                                                   |
  15. |     * Business Form Collection #1                                 $9.95     |
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  17. |                                                           value  $78.95     |
  18. |     SAVE $58.00 !                                   bonus price  $29.95     |
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  24. |     * FormGen II form design system with manual and              $49.00     |
  25. |       quick reference card                                                  |
  26. |     * FormGen Fill - fill out your forms right on the screen     $49.00     |
  27. |       and then print - all the math is automatic!                           |
  28. |     * FormGen II form preview module - lets you see your         $29.00     |
  29. |       forms on the screen                                                   |
  30. |     * All four Form Collections                                  $39.80     |
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  32. |                                                           value $166.80     |
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  39. |    USA: Randy MacLean                    Canada or: Randy MacLean           |
  40. |         FormGen Corporation              overseas   FormGen Corporation     |
  41. |         PO Box 279                                  13 Holland Drive        |
  42. |         North Andover, MA, USA                      Bolton, ON, Canada      |
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  74. |           x FormGen Fill                       @ 49.00 =                    |
  75. |     -------------------------------------------------------------------     |
  76. |           x BONUS Pack #1 (incl. FormGen II,   @ 29.95 =                    |
  77. |             Form Preview and Business Form                                  |
  78. |             Collection #1)                                                  |
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  80. |           x BONUS Pack #2 (incl. FormGen II,   @ 49.95 =                    |
  81. |             FormGen Fill, Form Preview and                                  |
  82. |             all four Form Collections:                                      |
  83. |              * Business #1   * Medical                                      |
  84. |              * Business #2   * Home/Hobby                                   |
  85. |     -------------------------------------------------------------------     |
  86. |           x Business Form Collection #1        @  9.95 =                    |
  87. |     -------------------------------------------------------------------     |
  88. |           x Business Form Collection #2        @  9.95 =                    |
  89. |     -------------------------------------------------------------------     |
  90. |           x Medical Form Collection            @  9.95 =                    |
  91. |     -------------------------------------------------------------------     |
  92. |           x Home & Hobby Form Collection       @  9.95 =                    |
  93. |     -------------------------------------------------------------------     |
  94. |           x Disk DUP disk duplicator           @ 25.00 =                    |
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  105. |  FormGen Corporation    |  FormGen Corporation  |  Shareware Publishing     |
  106. |  PO Box 279             |  13 Holland Drive     |  3A Queen Street          |
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  111. |  Maple Informatica      | Manaccom Pty.         |                           |
  112. |  R. Maranhao, 554-cj.26 | 9 Camford Street      |                           |
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  114. |  Brazil                 | Australia  4064       |                           |
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